Jesse finished on a high note, taking Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex out of the classes.

Jesse takes Best Opposite Sex from the classes over show champions. He is one month shy of 3 years old.

Jesse earning his second of two required majors at the Vizsla Club of Northern California supported entry. He is 20 months old in this photo.
CH DryCreek's Wanted
Our Little Outlaw
His call name is Jesse (for Jesse James). Be careful about what you name your dog. He just might feel the need to live up to it. Jesse is a rascal and the class clown. He was slow to mentally mature so I have held him back from field training untill he was 2 years of age. He has been fast to physically mature so I began showing him in the conformation ring at an early age. At 20 months old and stunning, he earned both required majors and earned his CH title before 3 years of age (including 10 months off due to field training). Quite independent he thinks of ways to entertain himself. He does not need a playmate. Evenings find him on the sofa on his back bark-talking, legs flailing and toys popping up in the air. I am trying to get this on film because it is hilarious. Jesse is a big reason that Dolly made it to 16.5 years of age. He LOVED playing with Dolly each morning. He got her to stay active and run on occasion. He would play-bow, bark and whack her in the head until she gave in. Then he would throw himself on his back and let her bite and chew on his chest, neck and legs. Jesse is obsessed with pointing birds and does this with beautiful style. Actually, Jesse does pretty much everything with style. I have never had a dog with so much zest for life. And happy about everything. He is my first Vizsla that actually gets excited to visit the vet.
Jesse went into Puppy field training in the midwest, where he learned to locate birds and stop to point. Since he has been home, I finished his conformation championship out of the Bred By Exhibitor class. I was the only amateur handler in the ring, showing against top professional handlers. I was able to do this only because he has beautiful conformation. We are now working on his Grand Championship title and I will begin to train him for field events and hunting.

He is learning how to locate game and stay steady on point

Jesse's very pretty puppy head

Jesse pointing Quail through the fence in the driveway at 18 months
DryCreek Vizslas is among a small handful of quality Vizsla breeders in Northern California
@Copyright DryCreek Vizslas. All Right Reserved.